Pontiac Repair: stock radio, vacuum line, stock radio
Question'88 pont. 6000LE, radio will not turn on even though getting power and the clock on the radio does work. the CC does not work either,are these related?
AnswerHey Donovan:
I doubt they are related but You never know. Does the radio have 2 power sources? It should have constant power that's what keeps the radio memory and clock and it should have switched on ignition voltage. If it has both then I would have to say the problem is with the radio. as for the CC you mean climate control or cruise control? I'm gonna guess cruise control. I do not have access to service manuals back past '98 on the net But on those older cars the wires for the cruise control would break off in the steering column and cause it not to work. It could also be lacking vacuum to the servo either from a broken vacuum line or a leaking servo to a bad release switch on the brake pedal. It was ver yrare that the control module would go bad on those Now do they share a common fuse? Like I said I doubt it but you may wna to check the fuses with the key on and see if one of them is blown. Hope that helps :}