Pontiac Repair: Gas tank meter, level sensors, pontiac dealer

QUESTION: How can i fix my gas meter. It never shows the right amount of gas in the tank. It tends to stay at 3/4 to full

ANSWER: Hey Tim:

what modle car is this? Most of the time the issue is with the level sensor in the tank abut it could also be the gauge or even the engine control module "computer" we have problems with just about all of our level sensors in all of our cars. the disolved metals and sulfer in the fuel makes the feet on the level sesnors go bad. Get a new part from the dealer not aftermarket and hile you are there get a bottle of complete fule system treatment it has a protectant for the fule level sensor make sure you get the right one ther are a few of them the right one says right on the bottle protects fule levle sensor on it. use it 2 X a year as maintence and it does work! Good luck:}

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My car is a 1998 pontaic trans sport Montana. Do you know if this is common with this model?

Hey Tim:

Yup it is common on that van. I would also take a look at the connector where the fule tank harness plugs inot the floor board on that van. I have seen corrosion issues in that connector cause problems but usually it will cause a check engine light to come on or a no start condition. Just one quick check before you go into the tank for the sender. The part is not really all that expensive either. Like I stated before get the factory part not aftermarket. Any chevy or pontiac dealer should have it. good luck :}