QuestionI have a 2002 Buick LeSabre with this engine, and only 97,000 kms on it. It has recently developed an external coolant leak around what I believe to be the intake manifold (or induction manifold?)that sits on top of the block between the two cyl heads. I have been checking the oil to make sure coolant is not leaking into the crankcase. Seems OK. Is this going to be an expensive and labour intensive repair?
parts prices vary greatly, but I would guess about between $150-$300
in US dollars for parts.
Labor, is going to charge about 3-3.5 hours. Not sure labor rate in your area, say between $75-$90 an hour USD.
If your going to do it yourself, let me know I can send the procedure on how to repalce upper intake (plenum) and gaskets.
It will be LESS pics.
Let me know in a private follow up post and I'll send it to you.
I hope this helps