Pontiac Repair: coil pack order, last ditch effort, chevy lumina
QuestionHi I have a 92 chevy lumina euro 3.1 v6 that I had to change my ingtion control module, I marked where the wires went but forgot to mark where the coil packs went (order),the coil pack is mounted on the front of the engine.Can you please give me order left to right,(my coils are #'s on the coils).
Many thanks for your help
AnswerHey mark:
I can't help you out there The coils don't matter where they go but the wires do so if you labeld the order the wires where you put the coils doesn't matter. meaning if you just labled them 1-6 from left to right put them back in that order. however if you actually labeld them for each individual cylinder then that is the problem. on the newer gm cars they has the coils marked on the emsission label under the hood that lable shows the vacuum lines and the coil positions. look on that. Last ditch effort would be to do a google search. my data base for service manuals online only goes back to '98 cars. good luck.