Pontiac Repair: 95 pontiac grand prix, crank shaft position sensor, pontiac grand prix
QuestionOk, I have a 95 with the classic 3.1. It wont seem to stay running. We have sent it to a garage probably close to 4 times and they have replaced all sorts of things. The ignition switch, ignition control module, Idle air control sensor, throttle body position sensor, battery, starter, spark plugs and wires, and the crank shaft position sensor. I cant dump any more money into it the garage bills have put me through the roof. Any ideas. I read a previous question like this, I did check the grounds and they were all clear. I also purchased coils for it, but returned them when they didn't solve the problem. Please HELP.. (Could it be the vats system?)
AnswerHi Joshua.
What does it do? start and stall right away? or does it run for a while and then die? if it's a start and stall yes it could be the vats system. but if it does run for a while then die it can be a lot of things. If it were a vats issue the security lamp would come on. If the car has high milage then yes it's really common the wires break off inside the steering column and then the security system cuts off the fuel control to the engine. let me know and maybe I can help you out more if does run and then stall out.