Pontiac Repair: pontiac grand prix Gt, crank shaft, pontiac grand prix
QuestionQUESTION: My car turns on but after a few mins in turns off and when I try it again it doesn't even turn on no more unless I wait a while then it turns on for a few mins again and turns off it all started when I was drivin and the car just turned off
ANSWER: Hi Chuy:
So let me get this right you car stalls and when it stalls out it's hard to get re started? When it tsalled?? did any of the accessories quit also Lights blower motor anything else stop when the car quit running? when it did stall??? was it like someone just turnd the key off or did it spit and sputter then die? It can be a lot of things. What year is this car and what engine does it have??
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It a 3.8 grand prix Gt 2000 ....the electric is workin bout when we try 2 turn it on it just cranks but when does turn on it turns off like in 10 sec or 20
AnswerWell there are a few issues with that engine. I have seen crank shaft positon sensors go bad causing a stall condition buit usually not a no start or long crak before starting. I would lean more towards looking at the fuel system on the car a fule pressure test would be where I would start first if the car takes a long time for the pressure to build or the pressure is low in the 30-35 PSI range I would suspect a bad pump or a restricted fuel filter. The fule pressure regulator one that year in perticular was an issue as well. With the engine running pull the vacuum hose off the top of it and see if there is raw gas in the vacuum line. If so the regulator is bad. good luck :}