Pontiac Repair: 92 grand am fan censor, correct temp, engine temp
Questionk here is my quesion have 92 grand am 3.3L no thermostat seized shut fan motor works when ooked directly to battery but not other wise need to know where sensor is to change have a part that supposed to go there but no idea where it goes othr than on intake???? Help please
AnswerHi Michelle;
It's been a while since I've worked on one of these but let me think. That engine more than likely has 2 coolant sensors one with 2 terminals it will have a yellow and a black wire on it and the other one has a dark green wire on it. they should be in the manifold near each other towards the rear on the intake near where the throttle body is. If that car one has the one the computer "2 wire" one will control the fan via the engine control computer. To tell you the truth I can't even get any service manual information off the web on that it's to old to tell you which way that system works. My gut feeling is that it only has the 1 sensor The older cars has the 2 different wires. in that system the engine computer controls the fan relay when the engine temp is hot enough also when the a/c is on and running. If the fan doesn't work then what you really need to do before you start changing parts that you don't need to to take this to a place where they can hook up a scan tool and see exactly what's going on here wether the compuet isn't seeing the correct temp to turn on the fan or the computer is not turning on that realy or maybe the relay is bad. It can be a lot of different things I'd hate to see you start spending money on this 15 year old car by just guessing at what's wrong with it. good luck :}