Pontiac Repair: Headlight problem, pontiac grand prix, factory warranty

I have a 2006 pontiac grand prix, and the dim headlights only come on when they feel like it.  It's a crap shoot when I go out to my car at night as to whether or not the dim headlights are gonna come on.  I have taken it to two places to have someone fix it, one being the dealer that i bought it from,  but they both told me, there's nothing wrong with them.   The car was hooked up to 'the computer' and the computer said it was ok.  At the time I took it in, the headlights came on.. but the next day, they were off again.   I am at my wits end trying to fix this problem.   I'm going to cause an accident or get a ticket driving at night with my bright lights on.. I have no trouble with the brights, they come on any time I push the switch forward.   Can you help me?

It is a fairly complex circuit.
If it is still under factory warranty they HAVE to fix it. If not take it to another dealership.
That being said, without the car here, there are WAY too many causes that could create yuor problem.
You MAY see if the dealership could hook up "the can" data recorder and have it set to record BCM data.
You'd then be in control of taking a "snapshot" of the data when the problem arises.
You then can take the"can" into dealership for data upload and hopefully locate glitch in data.
I wish I could pinpoint an exact component for you to replace.
I hope this helps