Pontiac Repair: 92 Grand Am stalls, crank shaft, shaft position
QuestionHi Todd!
I have a 92 grand am with a quad4 sohc, and the problem is that i can drive it to and from work (about 60 mile each way) but when I try to drive it shortly after getting home, it stalls out on me, ive been trying to trouble shoot this problem for months and it has me stumped! Please Help! =)
AnswerHi Earnie:
When it stalls out and will not start or stay running what are you missing? Have to checkto see if you can hear the fule pump running in the tank? Have you does a fuel pressure test? Have you checked to see if you have spark? That is a pain on this engine. You have to check these when it will not start or it stalls. My guess and it's strictly a guess is if it will not start then your loosing spark. The crank shaft position sensors of thse engine have a tendency to go bad but ususally it's a no start condition all together. but ther are other things that could cause this as well a bad ground connection for one of the engine computer gounds on the block and bad ignition module these are just the tip of the iceburgh. Good luck :}