Pontiac Repair: 2003 Pontiac Montana Fuel related, montana fuel, pontiac montana
QuestionGirlfriend was driving today said she was barely able to attain 80kms/hr pulled into service station vehicule died waited 5mins gassed up, drove 3mi perfectly and then same problem. Any ideas? I have been looking for fuel filter location but I do not live close enough to actually work on van and can not find anything that will tell me its location.
AnswerHi Sean:
Sounds to me like a fule pressure issue as well. By filling the tank up you cooled off the pump long enough for it to run untill the pump warmed up gain and then started to slow down. The fileter is mounted to the unibody frame rail on the left side of thecar just forward of the fuel tank. It's a round grey plastic filter with 1 nut holding it to the frame. try the filter first if you have the same issue my guess is that the filter was plugged and it damaged the pump. Good luck :}