Pontiac Repair: 2000 Grand Prix AC, rust belt, pressure gauge
Question I have a 2000 Grand Prix and the AC just all of a sudden quit blowing cold air. It blows air(not cold) on all speeds and when I hit the button the compresser kicks on and off. I checked fuses in the glove box and under the hood all good,by the way what is the AC diode in the box under the hood? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
AnswerHey Joe:
It could be a few things. The system could be low on a charge or high on a charge and the pressure sensor in the hi side line is turning the compressor of. It could be an issue with the control head or a wiring issue. without putting a pressure gauge set on the system it's heard to say why it turns on and then back off right away. if you live in the rust belt like I do the condensers leak on the drivers side lower corner they rot out. That's as much help as I can be without seeing the car. good luck :)