Pontiac Repair: 98 transport, pontiac transsport, wheel speed

I ave a 98 Pontiac Transsport with 71,000 miles. At randon the car will feel very heavy as if it is stuck in third gear. At the same time, the dashboard has ABS and TCS lights go on. If I turn off the car and let it sit for a few minutes and turn it back on, the lights and the heaviness go away. But they come back again. Has anyone had similar problem?

Hi Jasmine:

Well you could have a few different problems with this I'm not quite sure what you mean by the van feels heavy..... You could have a transmission issue with this car where if hangs up in one gear. As for the ABS TCS lamp there is some sort of a fault in the system and it turns on the lamp. The most likely cause for that is a wheel speed sensor issue on one or more of the wheels. In some extrem cases if the engine computer sees something that's really out of wack it will turn the abs lamp on as well due to the fact that the abs and engine control computers work together for traction control. With out seeing this and knowing what codes are in the system I really can't help you out to much sorry. Good luck and happy holidays :)