QuestionI have a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GT with an automatic transmission with at least a V6 engine. Tonight after sitting outside my office for 8 hours in 21 degrees, the service engine light soon came on and stayed on all the way home. The owners manual talks about possible emissions related problems and states that the light may indicate a more serious problem 'even before it starts' so repair soon as to avoid a possible serious engine problem. I plan to call my dealer tomorrow but have to work tomorrow and am not off until Tuesday to take it in.
Question #1:Any thoughts about my driving it until Tuesday? I checked the oil and although the dash states it is at 82%, it is more like half way up the fill line. Question #2:Could this service engine soon light be related to the cold weather in anyway?
Thank you for any help. I just spent $1,000 on RF work and now this! The car only has about 60,000 miles...
I would appreciate it so much if you could write soon. THANKS!
As long as the ses light does not blink, you'll be OK till tuesday.
If it starts blinking,A shut it off and wait a few mins and drive it a bit more.
You MAY consider taking it to a national chain auto parts store, eg... AutoZone, Advanced, NAPA etc... they USUALLY offer free computer scans. They also will tell you the severity of the light.
I Hope this helps