Pontiac Repair: pontiac montana, pontiac montana, leak acid
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2001 Pontiac Montana. when it starts getting colder outside sometimes it will not start. I have had the battery checked and they said it is not the battery or the alternator causing the problem. What can be causing the issue.
ANSWER: Hi Fred:
First off you say will not start do you mean it will not crank over or it will crank over but not run? It makes a difference. when it doesn't "start" what happens do the dash lights come on and the radio etc... or nothing.. if it cranks do you notice anything wierd like different warning lights on the dash or flashing lights on the dash... If you can give me more to go on I can try to help you out. I'm leaning towards the fact that it will not crank because you went after the battery/alternator first..
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ok Todd it does nothing it's like the battery is dead but our local service station says the battery is good. I don't know what is wrong with it. When you turn the switch to on nothing comes on no sounds nothing. Can you help.
AnswerHey Fred:
Well It's one of a few things. The first thing taht comes to mind in the battery but they check it so they told you. Thaos vans are notorious for the batteries to leak acid out the red (+) terminal on the battery and cause a bad connection between the battery and the cable it's self. give both of the cables a good tug and see if they are loose at all In some cases when you tug on them the (+) terminal will come right out of the battery... My money is on that or one of the cables has a loose connection either on the body,engine or underhood fuse box. The last though would be a bad ignition switch but even if that were the case you should have at least something like the radio,HVAC fan wipers any thing that needs switched ignition voltage. the best thing I can tell you is if this screws up on you nad it's not the battery you will have to drop the lower closeout panel under the steering column and check for battery voltage to the switch when this acts up and see what you are missing.. Sorry I can't help you out any more than that... Good luck :)