Pontiac Repair: pontiac brake problem, 1997 pontiac sunfire, parking brake cable
QuestionI have a 1997 pontiac sunfire with abs brakes.the brakes work fine after the car is warmed up but the rear brakes lock up completely on the first few stops.I have had them checked with no luck and I also checked them myself and can find nothing wrong except that the parking brake cable is very tight.This e-brake is very sensitive and cannot be use at all while the car is rolling. I can find no adjustment for this.
It REALLY sounds to me like they may be misadjusted.
The E-brake is stricktly mechanical and is not adjustable.
It is "adjusted" by the drum to shoe difference. If it is too close, they will apply to quickly and tend to "lock up" as it were.
I would readjust and then re-evaluate.
I Hope this helps.