Pontiac Repair: 97 pontiac grandam, car wont start, lock smith
QuestionI HAVE A 97 GRANDAM that wont start just turn over the key ignition was just replace by a lock smith my old ignition jam up that why it was replace I got home and the car wont start anymore is there a CHIP in the key for the anti-theft so it wont start? I hear the fuel pump come on but have not check it out more then that yet because of the ignition and it will start if you spray starting fluid in but will die right away is there a way to turn the anti-theft off or tell if its on to see if the car will start or do you think I have a fuel problem?
AnswerHey Mike :
Yep your right it's the secuity system acting up. You can try to learn it your self. do this crank the engine and let it start and then dye. (do not turn turn the key off) The security lamp will come on or start to flash after 10 minutes the lamp will either turn off or stop flashing when that's done turn the key back to the off position wait 30 seconds and try to start it. If that doesn't work something else is wrong with the secuity system but that should do it!
Good luck :)