Pontiac Repair: 1996 bonnieville - flashing heat control, bonnieville, heat control

I disconnected the battery and hooked it back up. Now the heat doesn't work. The dealership wants $200.00 just to hook it up to the computer. I drive the car one day week so I would like to know how to manualy move the heat lever over and leave it there.

Hey Dave:

I assume this is an sse or sse with automatic a/c? If the display is flasking there is more thna likely a fault of some sort in the system. What that is who knows without hooking it up to a scanner. $200.00 is step. a, hour of labor is more than generous to the technician looking at it. shop around and find a better price. There is not much you can do your self on an auotmatic system. Just for a try turn the unit off then turn off the car and disconnect the battery and touch the 2 cables together while they rae disconnected from the battery this will clear out all the codes in the systems. let it sit that way for about a half hour or so and reconnect it and give it a try again. Good luck :)