QuestionQUESTION: The hose for the heater broke, how should I change it?, it is causing the car to overheat. Do I need to go thru the panel to get in the hose to change it?
If it is JUST the hose(s) all you need to do is repalce the hoses.
You should be able to reach all clamps from engine compartment area, MAYBE some from under vehicle also.
They should not be that difficult to replace.
Good Luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks you, we had to replace the heater core and it was behind the panel, but now when the car is on the temperature goes up and water starts boiling in the container, also the fan is not working. Thanks
It is PROBABALLY boiling because the fans are inop.
You can test the fans themselves by turning on the Air conditioner.
They SHOULD come on, depending on how cold it is when you do this. Give it about 5 mins.... they should come on.
If they do not come on, I would suggest having it diagnosed at a repair shop.
If they DO then again, at least the fans themselves are OK, but there may be a wire issue and you may want to consider taking it top a repair shop.
I hope this helps.