Pontiac Repair: no turn over, lt1 motor, gauge wires

1995 firebird formula,lt1 motor with 6 speed manual.  car has power to everything but will not turn over. with key in the run position if hot wired to the s wire on the starer car will only run for few seconds and die not loosing fuel pressure. is there a relay or fusible link causing my problem ,new clutch switch and check numerous other things any suggestions thank you

Hey Jerry:

You have an issue with the pass key system on this car. it is the factory anti-theft system. It will not allow the car to crank and the module that controls it also isn't send ing a valid signal to the ecm to keep the injectors running. More than likely the wires to the ingition lock cylinder are broken orr inside the ignition column. you will have to takee the tope of the column apart to get the the ignition lock cylindr at you will see them broken they are 2 very samll gauge wires "white" they usually frey/break about an 1" away from the cylinder. This is a dealer only part and you will have to get new ignition keys to match the :pellet" code that you have in your existing key now and have the new keys cut to the code of the new lock cylinder. Good luck :)