Pontiac Repair: Hard Starting, pontiac sunfire, head gaskets

I have a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire SE /2.2L/AT/AC.  It is very difficult to start.  Battery cranks strong (new).  Starter cranks strong (new).  The car will crank all day, but not fire.  I have checked the Fuel Pressure Relay, it is working properly and making good contact across the terminals - I've even swapped the adjacent relay to remove variables. Engine diagnostic codes dont show any issues.  The car will crank for 15 to 25 seconds before it starts.  After starting, there is an unusual fuel smell from the exhaust - like an exotic racing fuel smell or similar... not regular exhaust odor (might just be rich exhaust).  I am at a loss.  Any help is appreciated.  

If it is rich, the smoke would be black... Lean would be white.
The smell MAY be coolant. These engines are kinda common for blowing head gaskets. Naturally coolant does not burn well.
I would check to see if your getting fire to the plugs.
If so, I would check the plugs for fouling.... if they are wet, you MAY have a leaking head gasket.
I would recommend taking it to a good mechanic your familiar with and have it checked for sure.
My suggestion is just a wild guess.
I do hope this helps.
Good Luck