Pontiac Repair: 1997 grand am, whole lot of things, gauge wire
QuestionThe car will not start, new battery, alt good ,plugs new. Could it be the starter or fuel problem(fuel pump). Not really sure where starter is located.
AnswerHey Greg:
When you say will not start what do you mean. It will not crank over or it cranks over but will not fire? If it will not crank it could be the starter or your loosing "crank" voltage somewhere between the ignition switch and the starter it's self. The starters for both engines in in the front of the car which is basically the left side of the engine. It's Barrie and hard to get to the 4 cylinder more so then the V.E. engine. If you can weasel you hands in there use a 12V test light and check the purple small gauge wire for voltage when the var is being cranked. If you have voltage and no crank it's the starter. if not then your lost the craning voltage. Not for if it cranks but doesn't start it can be a whole lot of things.. If it startes and stalls right away it may be the factory anti-theft system. If it just will not start it could be a bad fuel pump or a bad sensor for the computer it goes on and on. I'd need a bit more info to help you out further. Good luck :)