Pontiac Repair: 96 Bonneville blown fuse, blown fuse, fuse box
QuestionWhat could be causing the fuse for the tail lights/instrument panel (I believe it is fuse 6/C in the fuse box) to keep blowing? The wiring in the trunk to the tail lights look solid with no wear or apparent shorts. I get a fast chime when the door is opened and ignition switch off indicating that headlights are on. This chime goes away briefly when I replace the fuse. Returns when the fuse blows. Someone has suggested to me that the problem could be in the rheostat of the headlight switch? Is this possible?
AnswerHey Bryce:
No the headlamp switch is not a likely cause. short ckts are really hard to find especially if they are intermittant. Sound like yours is a dead short. fisrt and foremost has anything been done to that car recently and then after that the fuse issue has cropped up? If yes look there first. If not I would suggest getting a good repair manual and atek a look at the parking light ckt to see what is on there and where the harnesses run. You Can stop into a dealer and if you get someone who cares they can make a photo copy of the wiring diagram for you to look at. Soory I can't be of a lot of help but these things are really hard to find espceially a ckt that has a lot of branches like this one does. Good luck :)