Pontiac Repair: 2002 pontiac bonneville, pontiac bonneville, automatic climate control
Questionheater blowing cold air
AnswerHey Tom:
You are not giving much to go on here.. How cold is cold? or is the heat luke warm? It could be a couple of things. If the heat is luke warm you could have an issue where you have a bad thermostat or the cooling system is low and you could have an air pocket in the heater core from the low coolant. if that is not the case and it's just plain cold you more than likely have an issue with the temperature control from the HVAC system. You didn't mention if this is a car that has automatic climate control or just manual hvac controls either way you either have a bad temp door actuator or the control head could be bad It's really hard to say with out seeing it to tell you what the issue may be. Hope it helped you out somewhat? Good luck :)