Pontiac Repair: Pontiac fan control issue, pontiac sunfire gt, blower motor resistor
Questionmy fan control has 4 speeds for heat/ac. now it only has speeds 3 & 4 blowing air. speeds 1 & 2 blow no air. i have heat and a/c. any ideas?
2001 pontiac sunfire gt v4 2.4liter
AnswerHey Tim:
Easy fix! this car needs a blower motor resistor. Its easy to change it's on the right side of the dash under the glove box it's just behind where the fan mounts to the bottom of the HVAC module. This is a dealer only Item I belive. The resistor burns out and the lower speeds quit. It will not be ling before speed #3 doesn't work either. It's about a 15 minute fix. The one you take out may look different than the one in the car now. Don't worry about it they have changed the design multiple times in the past few years. Good luck :)