Pontiac Repair: 1997 grand prix window, gauge wire, heavy gauge

I have a 97 grand prix drivers side window stuck in the down position all I want to do is get the window up and secure the car- I'm selling it. the swich seems bad- you can hear the 'draw' when you push the swich down- up dose nothing. thanks

Hey Acrosby:

It sounds like a switch is bad but the regulator for the motor could be bad as well and the motor binds going up and trips the breaker out inside the motor. Un Likely but a possibility. If you take the switch plate off the door the 2 wires for the motor are Brown and Dark Blue. You cna jump puwer and ground to those 2 wires and run it forward or reverse to run the window up without using the switch.You just need heavy gauge wire to do it. I can't tell you off the top of my head which way will make it run back up you will just have to try both ways. Tht switch is not all that expensive but it's a dealer only item :( Good luck!