Pontiac Repair: engine swap, pontiac grand prix, chevrolet cavalier
Questionwill a 3.1 ltr engine out of a 1995 Chevrolet cavalier fit into a 1991 Pontiac grand prix. or will I have to change the intake and other various items to make it work?
AnswerHey Randy:
I don't see why that wouldn't work. The basic engine it's self is the same buy you will have to change all the plumbing on the engine. Meaning the rear exhaust manifold and the heater pipes the oil filter adaptor may have to be changed and also I would swap the fuel rail from one to the other as well The injectors may be different in those 2 engines. 4 years is a big jump. To be 100% sure contact a local junk yard and they can tell you better than I could if the 2 are compatible. Good luck.....