Pontiac Repair: 1992 pontiac stalls, crank shaft position sensor, pontiac bonneville
QuestionQUESTION: Ihave a 1992 pontiac bonneville 3.8 not super charged.You can drive for about 25 minites will start spitting and sputtering then dies.Will start right back up but you cant go any where till it cools down.replaced 02 sensor,plugs wirers,coil packs,ignition module,fule filter,fuel presser regulater.
Thanks Bill
ANSWER: Hey William.
Throwing parts at this in the hopes of fixing it is not that way to go about it. I would venture to say that this has a crank shaft position sensor that's going bad. First off when it does die and will not re fire what's missing? Spark,fuel or both. You need some diagnostic tools a spark tester and a injector noid light. when it does die you have to check for spark on each of the coils, Check to see if you have injector pulse, meaning is the computer trying to run the injectors?? Is it loosing fuel pressure?? If you have access to a scan tool when it dies check to see if the engine is showing RPM's while cranking it over.. You first need to find out what's going on before you start guessing none of the parts are cheap! This is just a logical procedure to find what the root of the problem is... Good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for gettiging back so soon.I have replaced the crank sensor.It does fire right back up.The gas line runs about 8 inches above the back manifold it gets really hot to where put your hand around it but you cant keep it there.Could it be the gas would be getting to hot.
AnswerNo I doubt it.. that has a continious loop fuel system when the engine doesn't need the gas it's returned back to the tank and it cools off in there and on the way back to and from the engine. Is it still stalling? How about the fuel you are buying have you tried a different brand of only 87 Octane!!!! One other thing to check on this engine is the grounds Ther is one big one on the engine undeer the coils on the bracket. Ther are a few on the front lower transmission bolt and some of them have one on the back of the engine in between the engine and transmission just behind where the oil filter is. you could have an issue there as well...