Pontiac Repair: My Montana, ground electrodes, iridium plugs

Is it a difficult job to change the spark plugs my self

Thanks from a backyard mechanic

Hey Shawn,
The answer is yes and no. First off the van has 100,000 mile platinum or iridium plugs. so unless your getting close to that leave them in. The front three are easy No sweat depending on what year van it is if it has an air pump for emissions it makes it a bit harder. Use a 5/8" swivel spark lug wrench that will make it easier. as for the back plugs that's a whole other story. unless your a small person or one that's really flexible it's tough. I can tell you it's easier to do from underneath the van when it's on a lift. Again the air pump makes it hard. If your going to go that far to change the plugs make sure you replace the wires too. More than likely you will not be able to get the plug wires of the plugs without damaging the wires. The heat from the engine basically sticks them to the ceramic on the plugs really good. When you do this buy a small stick or tube of anti-seize and put a dab on the threads on the plugs before you put them back in. also buy a small package of dielectric grease and put a dab of it in each spark plug boot where it goes onto the plug. both of these will make it easier the next time around if you still own this van. Last thing but some original equipment plugs don't waste your time and $ with magic v tip plugs or plugs that have multiple ground electrodes nothing like just genuine AC Delco plugs. I'm a firm believer in what ever car or truck you own use the stuff that the factory put in. Good luck,.