Pontiac Repair: starting 1993 grand am, advance auto parts, interior lamps
QuestionQUESTION: Just recently every time I start my car it seems as though their is no battery power. I need to have the key in the position that allows the radio to turn on for a few seconds then my car will start. The car is a 1993 4 door Grand-Am.
ANSWER: Hey Ramiro,
It could be a whole multitude of problems. Start with the battery and it's connections and cables. side post batteries like your car has have a tendency to leak acid out and cause corrosion between the cables and the batter it's self. I would check the ground (-) cable for a good tight connection to both the engine block and the body. If all that is good also check the (+) cable for loose connections at the starter motor. if it's a V6 you can easily check it if it's a 4 cylinder it's a bit more challenging. If all that is good you may want to take it to an auto zone or advance auto parts one of those places where they check the charging system for free hoping you will buy the needed parts from them. My last thought is this I'm pretty sure that car was involved in a recall of the ignition switch and it's wiring if that hasn't been done then that would be a place to start. check with your dealer they can run the VIN # to see if it needs to be done. If that recall has been done the problem may be with the part for the recall it's self. The relay that was installed may be acting up. Without seeing this It's hard to say what the actual problem is but that is a few ideas.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Now the car won't start at all. When i turn the key all I hear is a fast clicking sound. The interior lights work,headlights too even the radio turns on. I know the battery is good and the alternator was replaced last year. The car is a V6 and a 3300 engine.
AnswerWell I am still sticking with my original thought it is some kind of a bad connection... when you crank it and just get a fast clicking noise turn on the head lamps if the lamps dim way down of the interior lamps dim down you have a weak battery or a bad connection. The clicking you hear in the solenoid on the starter clicking and moving the gear to engage the starter motor with the flywheel but the starter motor it's self is not turning. You can also check to make sure you have a good 12V at the starter crank wire. If there is a issue with the ignition switch or the neutral safety switch and you are not getting battery voltage to the starter solenoid it will do the same thing. The crank wire on that engine is a purple wire check it with a test light while someone cranks the car over.. One last stupid thought is does the engine it's self turn over?? If you put a wrench on the front balance bolt does it turn? if not then you have a tight/seized engine... Just a few more thoughts.. Again. it's heard to tell without seeing it...