Pontiac Repair: 2000 V6 Firebird Belt Tensioner, heater hoses, engine coolant

The serpentine belt keeps slipping off the tensioner. How do I R&R the belt tensioner? All the pulleys look to be aligned but the belt keeps riding forward on the tensioner and slipping off.
Thanks for your help,

Here is the EXACT GM procedure for removing and installing tensioner.

Remove the drive belt.
Remove the generator.  (Alternator)
Remove the heater hoses from the drive belt tensioner.
Remove the drive belt tensioner bolt.
Important: The drive belt tensioner must be rotated if it is difficult to remove. Pulling the tensioner from the top may damage the engine front cover. If necessary, break the plastic thermostat bypass upper pipe to allow rotation of the drive belt tensioner ,replace the pipe during installation.
Remove the drive belt tensioner .
Remove the thermostat bypass pipes from the tensioner, if necessary.


Install the thermostat bypass pipes to the tensioner, if necessary.
Install the drive belt tensioner to the engine.
Install the drive belt tensioner bolts.
Tighten the drive belt tensioner bolts to 50 N·m (37 lb ft).
Install the heater hoses to the drive belt tensioner.
Install the generator.
Install the drive belt.
Refill the engine coolant.

I Hope this helps.
Good Luck