Pontiac Repair: 1998 Pontiac Grand Am Transmission, vacuum source, clutch assembly

My mom has a 98 Pontiac Grand Am, lately it has started having a shifting problem.  When you press the gas the car goes but will not shif until it reaches a little over 4000 rpms. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

As I Stated in bio, I am not a transmission tech.
I will tell you to check fluid or even do a fluid/filter change.
Check the vaccuum modulator and vacuum source on intake manifold.
It could be any of these items also.....
Fluid Level
Low: correct

Vacuum Line
Pinched, slowing vacuum response


Oil Pressure
low pressure

Modulator Valve
Stuck or binding

Forward Servo Assembly
Damaged or missing cushion spring or retainer

Forward Servo Piston
Damaged seal

Oil Filter

Filter Seal
Cut or damaged

Forward Servo Seal
Leaking, damaged, or missing seal
Low torque of bolts

Torque Converter
Stator roller clutch not holding

Low torque allowing leakage for driven sprocket support

Input Clutch Assembly
Leaks at ball capsule or seals
Damaged seals

Pump Assembly
Sticking slide
Leak at the slide seals

1-2 Shift Solenoid, TCC solenoid
Malfunctioned or mislocated

I Hope this helps.
Good Luck