Pontiac Repair: Help!, pontiac grand prix, pontiac grand prix gt
I have a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GT with a V6 3.8 L. It has a driver/passenger control switch for air/heat. There are 3 air vents in the middle and 2 on each side. The closest 3 vents to the driver side blow A/C correctly, and the other 2 vents continuously blow hot air even though the passenger switch is set to the coldest setting. For a temporary fix I clamped the heater hose under the hood and now it blows cold air through all vents. Why would it blow hot air while set to cold?
It is PROBABALLY the passenger side Temp door actuator that is failing.
It is located on the passenger side in center of dash.
You MAY want to have the freon level checked. This particular system uses horizontally split Evap core.
The passenger side is the lower part of the split system. IF the freon level is low, the freon evaporates quicker in the evaporator core from top to bottom. This would leave warm air blowing through the bottom of core.
I would get freon charge checked FIRST, and if OK, the Passenger side actuator is your problem.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck