Pontiac Repair: 2003 Pontiac Grand Am - Transaxle Fluid Fill?, baby food jar, pan gasket

My husband believes that my transmission/transaxle fluid is low, and thinks he needs to fill it. After looking at my very un-helpful owners manual it says that it should never have to be checked. Well he checked it and somehow came to the conclusion that it's low, even though I can't find in the manual where it says what the level should be at. I'm afraid that he is about to do major damage to my car.
Can you please tell me where the transmission/transaxle fluid fill valve is? And how to tell if it needs to be filled. Some people are telling me that there should be a dip-stick for this fluid similar to the oil dip-stick, and some are telling me there isn't one on my car. Is there a dip-stick for my car? If not how do I tell if I need to fill it?

I asked this question to another expert and he didn't really answer my question. I tried to ask for a follow up, but it said he can't accept questions anymore. Can you help?

Sure I 'll help.
Your car DOES NOT have a diptickc to check fluid in the conventional way.
First my BEST advice is to take it to a repair shop YOUR familiar with and have work done.
That being said, I understand the $$$$$$$$$ aspect.
My next advice would be to have him repalce the tranmission filter and pan gasket.
Put vehicle on jackstands or ramps.
Remove bottom pan, remove and replace transmission filter.
(make sure the filter seal is either replaced or stays in transmission)
Reinstall the pan.
Torque bolts to 89(INCH pounds)NOT FOOT POUNDS)
Then, depending on engine, below the air intake tube to the left (driver side)is a small red plastic cap located on the transmission. It is pretty far down there. It is about as big around as a baby food jar, and about half the height. When you remove it, the diameter of the threads will be about the same size of a sode bottle.
You'll need a LONG thin funnel and stick it in that hole.
To be safe, the service manual stated it'll take 6.9 qts (6.5liters) to refill after a transmission bottom pan/filter replacement.
To properly check the fluid, under the car, on the PASSANGER side of the transmission, JUST below the drive axle for the right(passenger side)at about the 5 o'clock position on the trans is a small bolt. That is the fluid checking plug hole.
WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING, IN PARK and LEVEL, remove the plug. If fluid comes out the TRANSMISSION IS FULL, and needs no fluid.
If no fluid comes out, add fluid as I stated above, through the funnel, IN SMALL INCREMENTS, until it comes out of hole.
Then it is full.
This is the PROPER way to do this procedure.
If he wants to just add fluid blindly, he will damage the transmission. I HAVE seen this before.
I do hope this helps.
Good Luck