Pontiac Repair: A/C Problems, chevy camaro, long distances

1996 Chevy Camaro 3.4 V6.  All the Chevy experts are not available.  I just have a quick concern.  The A/C in my car seems to be short circuit.  When traveling long distances (20 - 30 mi.), the temperature of the A/C changes. It start off cool, then warms up.....sometimes, so hot I have to turn it off and wait before turning it back on.  Sometimes it will cool back off on its own without me turning it off and back on again.  Also, it will get back cool if I stop and park the car, wait a few minutes, and restart the engine.  I already had a quick performance test on it, and the mechanic informed me that everything is fine and they did a drain and refill of the system.  The problems I am experiencing started AFTER they did the work.  Could it be compressor, A/C relay going bad, etc??

First it don't really matter about brand, all GM are same except Saturn and Caddy.
If all this started AFTER you had A/C System check done, and it was not acting up before hand, I would take it back.
It SOUNDS like they may not have recharged the freon to the proper level, and the system is cutting out. When the pressures either get too high, or too low, the A/C system turns off so as not to damage compressor or other parts.
Sounds like they did not put enough back in, and it is cutting out via the LOW side pressure switch. I think this because low freon charge will "freeze up" and the system senses this low pressure, the system freezes up and it will not restart until it is unfrozen (higher pressure) So the system is basically cycling. Cools for a while, then has to shut off to "Thaw out", then cools, thaw etc... and you feel cold, cool, warm, cold, cool, warm..etc..
Take it back.... have them double check the freon charge.
They OWE it to you if you paid.
I hope this helps.
If any more problems, feel free to post.
Good luck