Pontiac Repair: chocking problem, injector cleaners, fillter

i have a 97 grand am SE v6 3.1. when i go over 100 in high way and i start crusing and i want to inrease my speed gentely the rpm starts to come under 2 and it starts chocking and i have to let go of the gass and press again to go to normal but i happens again after a bit. i have puted injector cleaners,changed the fule fillter and also have been puted super gass into it. spark plugs are good and changed the air filter as well but it is still doing it. any ideas why ?

There is an internal engine "cut out" speed or rev limiter you MAY be reaching.
The PCM's are programmed for the SPEED RATING OF THE ORIGINAL TIRES. You can change tires to a different speed rating but the PCM'S PROGRAM does NOT change.
If you are not reaching the cut out speed, do a major tune up, plugs, wires, fuel filter, injector flush.
Good luck
JUST ADVICE from experience.