Pontiac Repair: 95 pontiac sunfire timing chain replacement, timing chain replacement, pontiac sunfire

I got a print out from all data online on replacing the timing chain it says align crankshaft mark, the stamped circle with the tab on the timing chain tensioner then align the camshaft sprocket timing mark, 8 mm hole, with the tab on the timing chain tensioner I get this my question is if the chain broke while engine was running don't I have to role the cam shaft assembly around until the #1 intake opens then closes just before exhaust begins to open align the 8mm hole up with mark and have the #1 piston on TDC align marks up with tabs then the crank and valves are in time or close to time help me please

Sounds like you got it!
If the crank is where it is supposed to be with the mark on the Tensioner, and the cam hole is aligned with the tensioner, the way they say in the pic. or whatever,  then it is in time.
The crank rotates (basically)2 to 1 with the cam. Every 2 crank revs will be 1 cam rev. So it will always come back around corerectly.
Keep in mind , this engine CAN interfere, so it IS possible to bend valves.
As long as you have it in time the way the manual says  and the illustrations show, it'll be in time.
I Hope this helps.
JUST advice from experience.
Good Luck