Pontiac Repair: 94 Bonneville wont start, harmonic balancers, scamatic
QuestionA girlfriend of mine has a 94 bonne that wont start, i checked the fuel filter, fuel pump at filter, fuel at fuel rails pushing out schrader valve w/lots of pressure; has spark-will start spraying WD-40 into intake, injectors work, and the battery keeps dieing. I charged the battery and it still having trouble starting what would you suggest? Also some of the fuse's are missing and i was wondering were i could locate a fuse box scamatic. And finally with the battery do you think its the altinator or just a bad battery. Thanks for your time answering any of these questions would help me out greatly.
Answerok well lets first get all the fuses installed and make sure none are blown, you might be able to go to a salvage yard and get a ownders manual out of a wreck cheap that will help yopu with what fuse goes where and locations,, then , you say it has fuel presure and uinjector pulse but wont stART. but iit will on wd-40, check for water in gas, then if fuel is ok try tapping on the computer while trying to startit under the pass side dash, tAP WITH A METAL OBJECT, then they are bad about the harmonic balancers slipping , check to see its intact, check fuel pressure with a guage to make sure ist is ok