Pontiac Repair: cmpr hose assembly, hose assembly, stop leak
QuestionMy a/c stopped working, my husband put a stop leak and filled it with freon. It worked for half a day and stopped then the next morning started working again. I took it to a place that wanted to chg me $580.00 to chg cmpr hose assembly, ofcourse I took the car and started calling places, the way the guy at the first place told was that it was one whole big piece, not separate hoses, I called the dealer who told me it was 2 separate hoses, someone else told me it could be a low pressure switch , the dealer told me there was no low pressure switch. Please help !!!
Answerwell without knwoing the year make model of the car its hard to say please give me more info or call the local parts store and see if they list a low presure hose assemlby, or drive the car there and show them the leak they will be able to tell you fi the part is a single hose or not and the presusre swith as well , free advice there too