QuestionMy girl friend has a '98 sunfire with 2.2 engine, a/c. It has been 80000 miles since her last trans. fluid/filter change. A friend told me not to touch it since it has been so long and if there is a problem in the system it my show up after I do the service....what do you think?
Personally, I have NEVER had ANY trouble from doing maintance on a transmission, nor has anyone in any shop I worked at had trouble.
You can take that for what it's worth.
Now do you want to do a Fluid/filter change, or are you considering a "transmission flush".
The fluid/filter change you are only replacing 4-5 quarts of fluid and the filter.
With the Transmission flush, a cleaning solution is added to the system and the transmission runs about 30 mins. and then ALL the fluid is flushed and replaced with new fluid. All 8-10 quarts.
The flush service this is where the "horror stories" come from that when you replace all fluid, you MAY dislodge a small particle in the valve body and it get lodged in a valve bore and make the trans act funny.
But all fluid is replaced not just half.
I know some VERY GOOD transmission mechanics, and MOST say just do a fluid/filter change.
Personlly, I say do both. Have the Fluid power flush done first, then have them replace the filter and top off with new fluid. The cost will be a bit more, but you get the best of both this way.
I always say if it still shifts good after 120k miles, DO NOT touch it.
You know most manufacturers now have 50k to 100k service intervals. That includes Auto trans.
I Hope my babbling does help.
Just advice from experience.
Good Luck