Questioni have a friend with a 97 sunfire not sure of engine. When she tries to start it no
crank. Dash lights come on and flash (all but turn signals). Under the hood the
ABS relay is clicking. Tried to jump starter with screw driver no crank but
sparks. Replaced relay still the same symptoms. Any ideas??
I am assuming the battery is good.
Answer these question - does it "Click" when key turned to start or not?
If so I would get the starter checked. If checks good,
I would see if the engine can be turned by hand (socket on the crankshaft bolt)
If not I would pull plugs, see if it can turn over by hand with plugs removed.
Is there proper coolant level in resivoir?
Is there oil in car?
I Hope this helps.
Just advice from experience.
Good Luck