Pontiac Repair: 2000 grand am, worn brakes, brake caliper
Question I have a 2000 grand am. I have rubbing (or groaning) sound
from the front end. It started when making turns and braking
at the same time. Noise would not show up if you made the turn at a slower rate of speed. Over time the noise will show up just making a turn. Again noise is minimal by slowing way down during turning. Could this be a brake caliper? It seems that the more G-force created when turning
makes the most noise or rubbing sound.
Answerwell first jack the vehiclke up in a safe manner, inspect the cv boot, and then take the wheel and see if it will rock back and forth in a in and out fashion , it will eiuther be a bad wheel bearing, bad cv boot or worn brakes thats about all that will cause that groaning noise, if the noise sounds like a jet its probabaly a bearing assembly