QuestionI have 2003 toyota matrix xrs the same as the poitiac vibe gt.I was installing door popper to my car. I used power lock postive lead on the driver and pass. door. Popped the drivers then the pass. popped and stop working. I check all the fuses 2x in the car and not one is blow.All the lock's don't lock or unlock and wireless remotes. Any help is welcome.
I looked at the Vibe schematics.
There is 2 things I see could be the cause.
Check the "Gauges" fuse and the "Door" fuse (if you haven't) They feed the Multi Function Alarm Module.
If theses fuses are good, it is likely the Multi Function Alarm Module may have gotten Zapped. It'll also operate the Glass hatch, tailgate hatch, Key in Ignition warning, and some courtsey switches for doors and hatches.
It is located (in vibe) in the Instrument Panel Fuse Block.
I really see no way of checking it, except maybe scanning it with scanner and see if it gives up data (not sure of this either) but is sounds like it may be similiar to a BCM (Body Control Module), so it should give up some data.
I really hope this helps.
Just advise from experience and published material.
Good Luck