Pontiac Repair: 2000 grand am wont start, engine cranks, fuel starvation
QuestionI have a 2000 Grand Am. I very recently replaced the battery and have a full tank of gas. When I turn the ignition, it gives every indication that it is going to turn over, except it doesn't. I had no prior indications or symptoms. My suspicion is a problem with the fuel pump or system. Any other ideas? Thanks. Tony
Answerif the engine cranks but wont start more than likely you are not getting fuel or spark.to check fuel have someone turn the key on while you listen at the fuel tank for the pump to make noise.if there is no noise when the key is turned on than its probly the pump.if you hear the pump than it probably not a fuel problem.changing the fuel filter never hurts and will eliminate a fuel starvation problem.you can remove a sperk plug and lay ot on the engine where you can see it while someone cranks the engine.if there is spark then thats not the problem.dis ignition systems use coil packs for different cylinders.you can remove these and have them tested at the parts store.one of the coils could be bad but that would mainly cause a miss.if those were fine and there is no spark i would have the module checked.this should be located right underneath the coils.if the engine still fails to start there may be a sensore out.i recommend ckecking to see if the comp has any codes before checking everything else.a code might tell you the exact problem.