Pontiac Repair: 96 Pontiac Grand Am GT A/C, pontiac grand am, c lines
Question My A/C does not seem to cool very good. I ought the car used and I would loke to know what to look for. When I checked the low side it was running about 150 and I let out some to drop the presure on the low side. The a/c lines around the compresor get really coldand form condinsation, but the air inside is not consstant and rpm does not seem to mater. What should I do?
Answerif your system is fully charged than you should get cold air unless there is heat coming in from a different source.youre ac control may not be changing the door from your heater core to youre ac core.this is controlled by a small vacuum operated motor.also the valve that shuts off the hot water to youre heater core may not be working.this keeps the system from heating youre cold air.a good quality repair manual will give you all locations of these devices based on youre particular model.