Pontiac Repair: 1992 pontiac grand prix, pontiac grand prix, fuel mileage
Questionthanx for your availabilty.i just started getting bad fuel mileage and a lil smoke and then a few days ago a miss but now the miss is bad.not all the time.seems like when it warms up or especially at a stop lght it starts dying and then at times seems like its flooded.but then it gets goin again.i am thinking o2 sensor.i am hoping anyway.i am really hurtin financially right now but i need to get to work.i sorta know how to play with it but my girlfriend will panic and she'll get it stuck at an intersection.my question is ,do you think i should change the sensor?and i looked on the manifold and there are two things stiking in the pipe.is it the one in the middle right on the exhaust manifold?or the thing on the pipe closer to the driver's side?anyway,thanx for your help if you can.sincerely,dan durand in san diego 619 313 3235.
Answerit could be the o2 senser. the sensor is located just before the cat converter on the exhaust.these are pricey but a cinch to install.youll need a special socket to remove it.you can get one at the parts store.i would also check the engine air filter.if this is clogged you can get these problems.