Pontiac Repair: 2002 pontiac bonneville heater/ac duct control, pontiac bonneville, vacuum line

we just replaced a broken line on the a/c vacuumed the system and added refrigerant. now, when turning on the ac to max cool /fan on hi......the right side ducts put out cool air (not cold) & the left side ducts still blow hot/warm air. is this a duct/temp control motor bad? does vacuum do anything with these systems? is it fused? where would i find a schematic showing the underside of the dash in order to facilitate repair?

if the ac system is properly charged the air blowing from the ducts should be cold.there are little vacuum plungers that open and close the duct doors.i would check to see if they are getting vacuum.i have seen these fail and they are a booger to get to.they should be located behind the stereo and there are a few behind the glove box.there is a vacuum line that goes through the fire wall.i would check to make sure this is plugged in to a good port pulling vacuum.getting a repair manual for your specific vehicle may help you locate them easier.