Pontiac Repair: steering, axles, instinct
QuestionThanks for your response. As for more detail. The noise does not happen when I am driving straight, just turning, about halfway into a complete 90 degree turn of the wheel. I am questioning the power steering because there has been a humming sound when I steer, and yes I have plenty of fluid in the car.I also can get the car to make the same clicking sound by being in park and cranking on the wheel. Going over bumps, no sound...but I have noticed that when I go over a series of small bumps the entire front end vibrates like crazy. Almost like everything is locking up on the front end. Thanks!
AnswerThanks for the new info Cindy because it makes a big difference. If you can reproduce the sound sitting still then the axles are not the problem. From what you've told me then your instinct sounds like it is much more accurate than the mechanic's in suspecting the rack and pinion unit. I would deffinately bring it to someone else who is willing to put the time and effort into listening to you and properly diagnosing your problem because it is not a typical one. Explain to them that the clicking can be heard while sitting still and turning the wheels also otherwise you will probably continue to get wrong dianoses. Let me know how you make out :)