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My son has had the abs sensor replaced on his pontiac sunfire 1996 vehicle 2 times and now it is acting up again. the service guy said not to worry the brakes will work but it sometimes makes a loud noise and just grabs in time to miss an accident. do you have any suggestions towards fixing this problem. the sensor is not bad,per the service dept.
Answer -
What are the brakes doing?is the vehicle hard to stop?ABS lamp on?let me know and i can see if there is a problem with braking,Thanks
most of the time they work fine but when he has to come to a quick stop they act like they are not going to work and make a loud sound and then finally catch and work. abs lamp is on.
I would have the brake linings checked making sure the brake pads and shoes are ok,also have the rotors and drums checked for being out of round causing a brake pulsation on hard stops,i had a friends car over the weekend were her complaint was the same as yours,brought it to 3 different shops and all said it was normal,what i found out was that the ft rotors were out of round causing pulsation this caused ABS to activate normaly on a panic stop but when the ABS system pulsated the brakes it wasnt able to take up the "slack" that the warped rotors had,thus the car felt as if it did not stop soon enough,i machined the ft rotors and all worked normal.
ABS works by pulsing the brakes,meaning let off and apply once again to keep the brakes from locking up,the noise you hear is the ABS pump motor coming on, the motor is there to create pressure for the brake sys on a ABS activation.if you need more help let me know.