Pontiac Repair: loose mount for tensioner pully for sepentine belt, pullys, spring assembly

I have limited hands on-experience but I have tools and feel I can work on cars if I only know how to go about it.My 1998 sunfire had the belt come off.As I looked at the pullys I noticed the tensioner pully was not lined up with others.It appears that the bracket and pully has pulled out about one half inch from the mount.I tryed to pry it back to the right position with no luck yet.It is a very tight spot and I'm not sure I can get to the mounting nut with a wrench unless I can push it back.Should I continue to try to squeeze it back into what I think is the spring assembly and also ,is there an easier way to get to it then down from the top?

Well Mark off the top of my head I unfortunately can't say for sure how to get to the tensioner easier because I haven't had the pleasure of replacing one yet. As far as it not lining up properly it sounds like the assembly has come apart though and will probably have to be replaced. Sorry I can't be more help to you but this would be hard to help with unless I was there with you :) Good luck to you. Also sorry for the delay I was unable to upload this for a couple of days.