Pontiac Repair: Pontiac sunfire overheating, pontiac sunfire, upper radiator hose

I bought a 1997 pontiac sunfire 2.4L engine se. i didnt notice when i was checking it before i bought it but the heater core seems to be missing. Whoever removed it looped the two hoses that led to the core. My car overheats very fast and i have replaced the upper radiator hose due to the hot engine melting it, coolant tank, and i dont think the coolant flows thru the engine. The water pump was also disconnected, i connected it. i was just wondering what could be a solution to my car overheating. Thank you

Hi, what I think is wrong is the head gasket, lets do this frist, take the thermostst out, fill it with just water, then take the top radiator hose off from the engine, then start it up, if you have water coming out of the hole where the hose was connected to the engine, then you no the water is working, now if there is no water this could one or two thing, one is the pump is bad, or the pump gear is not going into the gear in the timing chain cover, this water pump runs off of the timing chain,  now reconnect the hose and let it run, if it runs hot, then check for a blowed head gasket.